After half a year, the partners of the EU-funded project "Enhancing Cyber Security - Development of trainings using 'Escape Room' Model" (EyesOnCS) met in Rome, Italy (July 18th + 19th, 2022). The Italian partner "Associazione Effebi - Finance & Banking" organised the project meeting for the project partners from Germany and Portugal.
The aim of the vocational training project is to improve practical skills to deal with cyber issues. This is to be done by using innovative online training - with the help of the "Excape Room" approach.
The project will produce:
- A compendium with example cyber security cases from true events
- Scenarios for "Cyber Alertness" as a preliminary work for the virtual Escape Room
- A Virtual Training Escape Room - development and programming of a Virtual Training Escape Room
The consortium used the meeting in Rome to talk about the status of the project, but also to have a look at the next steps. As part of the first project deliverable, each of the four partners collected - on a national level - the cases of workers and managers of SMEs who have experienced cyberattacks of various kinds in recent years. These cases, elaborated into case studies, will be incorporated into the first project deliverable - the written compendium. These case studies will then be used to create scenarios that will be adapted for the virtual training Escape Room. This will also be the next phase of the project.
The FHM was represented by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Leisenberg, Marianna Gevorski as well as Dorothe Kafczyk.