The FHM is a private, non-profit, and state-approved University of Applied Sciences. The FHM was founded in 2000 by medium-sized enterprises and educational institutions. Since then, it has developed into one of the most successful private universities in Germany with a strong focus on the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises. The FHM’s goal is to provide students with necessary theoretical and hands-on skills for their later business career. The FHM’ concept focuses on practical career orientation, individual tutoring, and small group sizes.
In order to meet the special challenges regarding cyber security in both research and teaching, the FHM launched the Institute for Cyber Security and Digital Innovations in the German region of Düren in 2021. Research & knowledge transfer with national and international universities and partners is the goal of the institute. In particular, the cooperation with other universities (national and international) and companies from the public and private sector in cyber projects are in the foreground here. Therefore, the project EyesOnCS is anchored at this institute."
Prof. Dr. Manfred Leisenberg
Charlotte Marie Sandoval
Effebi Association is an Italian non-profit organisation set up in 1978. The Board of Directors is composed by HR and training Managers from the main Italian Banks. Effebi organises a variety of activities in the field of Human Resources and Organisational Development mainly for the banking and financial sector. Through its work, the Association strives to enhance the exchange of good practices and knowledge and collaboration with other organisations at national, European and International level.
At international level, EFFEBI is founder member of EBTN - European Banking and Financial Services Training Association keeping significant relationships with other Institutions, Associations, Universities, Colleges, Enterprises and Bodies active in the field of HR Management and Development. EBTN is a member of the Financial Literacy Committee aimed at upgrading the financial literacy of citizens through financial education.
In addition, it is a Member of European forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (EfVET) that is one of the leading European-wide professional associations which has been created by, and for, Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers.
At national level, Effebi is Member of FEDERMANAGEMENT - Italian Federation of Management’s Associations - which promotes the renewal of the managerial and leadership culture and cope with the globalisation and the digital revolution. It also contributes to the collaboration and exchange of ideas and best practices among the Members; improves managerial culture, also beyond professional roles.
Finally, Effebi is the main promoter and Founding Member of the Centre for Research and European Studies - Future Business (CRES). CRES aims to realise studies, research and European projects in order to improve active citizenship and promote European Policies in Education and Training areas. CRES is composed of 29 members from 15 European Countries and is active in different sectors, ensuring a high-quality level and an interdisciplinary approach.
Alessia Spatafora
The Academy for Security in Business (in short: ASW Academy) is a training and further education academy in the field of economic protection, which is jointly managed by the economic protection associations Alliance for Security in Business West e.V. (ASW West) and Alliance for Security in Business Northern Germany e.V. (ASWN). Through the cooperation with the Association of German Criminal Investigators e.V. (BDK), the offers of the renowned Criminal Investigation Academy were integrated.
The ASW Academy creates offers for corporate security that prove themselves in everyday and non-everyday professional and private life, and guarantees the highest level of know-how and practical relevance through qualified and renowned experts and lecturers. The range of education and training measures in the form of seminars, workshops and coaching sessions extends from business intelligence and cyber security to physical security, corporate security management, threat management, travel security and personnel management. Tasks in the public sector are also prominently addressed. The ASW Academy thus creates a high-quality educational offering that meets all requirements - from basic qualifications to academic studies. The aim is to cover all relevant areas of economic protection and to become one of the leading institutions in Germany in all matters of education and training - for the security industry itself, but above all for the entire economy, which is increasingly affected by security-related processes. Likewise, the ASW Academy aims to give academic prominence to the topic of "economic protection" through targeted publications and studies. Through its location in the Future Safe House in Essen, the Academy for Security in Business is rather integrated into a network of partners from the security industry and, in this context, consistently develops new formats in order to counter new and future forms of threat in economic protection.
Markus Wagemann
Virtual Campus Lda. is a development, training and consulting company in the areas of Technology Enhanced Learning and Serious Games. We aim at actively promoting the development of the Knowledge Society through the use of Digital Environments for Learning and Training. We design and develop products for different platforms (mobile, web, desktop/laptop), different purposes (educational, marketing, entertainment) and different target groups (students, adults, seniors, trainees, teenagers, etc.).
The company has over 10 years in managing and participating in EU funded projects and we have established a large network with universities, public institutions, enterprises’ associations, non-profit organizations, and worked on projects in the field of educational technology, addressing diverse target groups, and building different domains and platforms.
Our projects are mainly in three main areas: industry (projects that aim at building knowledge in different industry areas, capacitating professionals to face 21st century challenges and increasing the effectiveness and competitiveness of the sector.), health (projects that aim at helping vulnerable populations – people suffering from some disease or limitation – and providing support to those taking care of them – informal and formal caregivers, health professionals, etc) and active life and education (Projects that aim at promoting innovative and effective learning and teaching formats and methods, improving teachers, students, trainers and trainees’ competencies and preparing them to face 21st century demands) and work with a variety of target groups from children to adults, from students and vocational trainees to professionals from different fields.
Virtual Campus (VC) is located in Porto, Portugal.
Carlos V. Carvalho
Sandra Cruz
Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM)
Ravensberger Straße 10 G
33602 Bielefeld
mail: info@
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